Once you leave the highway it takes about one hour to reach us. On the often bumpy dirt road you may encounter cattle, horses, goats--even wild deer and foxes. It's off the beaten track, and it may seem like a long rough road in getting here, but this is what keeps Villa del Faro so beautifully secluded.
Note: We do not recommend this road for women who are in their 3rd trimester unless you are feeling very strong!

Driving instructions to Villa del Faro
Villa del Faro is about one hour from Mexico Highway 1.
From the Airport, head south (right) towards San Jose for 2 miles (3 km.) You are looking for a road on your left. First you will see this sign, “Veterinaria” on your left. Then you will see highway signs on both sides of the road reading, “No Tire Basura”. You will see beneath them a small sign that says “Palo Escopeta”. Here you turn left across the highway. Just before the turn there are speed bumps across the road.
(If you come from San Jose, you will turn right at the “No tire Basura” signs. If you pass “Veterinaria Chiapa” you have gone too far.)
You will see the first of our signs at both sides of the road you turn into.
Follow this paved road which ends in about one mile, just past the bar “Catarina Beach”. Now you are on a dirt road. You cross a sandy arroyo and once again find yourself on paved road in the center of a small town called “Santa Catarina”. At the town monument the road turns to your left (you will see another “V” sign) and you follow it through the town until it becomes a dirt road again.
Follow this road, which will wind back and forth, always staying on what is clearly the most traveled route. Five miles (8.4 km.) after leaving Highway 1, you will reach a branch. Straight ahead lies the dump (Relleno Sanitaro). Do not go there!!! You will see another “V” sign here. Bear left towards Palo Escopeta.
Drive 6 miles (9.3 km.) again, always taking the route most obviously used. You will now reach the pueblo of Palo Escopeta and be within sight of a ball court. Veer left towards it, you will see an arrow and another “V” sign.
You are now halfway there. Watch out for pigs, chickens and calves crossing the road as you go though this little village.
Now continue on, winding down the hills, through the Palo Escopeta ranchos. Watch out for cows on the road along this entire last stretch. Keep going straight for another 4 miles (6.3 km) until you pass another “V” on your left. Keep going (5 miles/ 8km) until you reach the Sea of Cortes, at a “T” intersection. You have reached the coast road (Camino Costero), and this spot is called Las Vinoramas. You go left (north) on the coast road. (V)
Continue to the north 2 miles (3 km.) and you will see on your right the Villa del Faro sign (the stone marker), our driveway, and lots of palms.

The dogs and I will greet you! Do not be afraid of them, they are loud but they are all sweethearts!!!
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